It is now worthless to say that Internet Marketing is more powerful than traditional marketing. Using Internet as a medium for your marketing, you can expose your product more powerfully. If you have a small business and can't afford a marketing budget for your business, then you are at right information page. If you are reading this then you must aware about the benefits of Internet Marketing, so lets show you how you can start profiting without spending a single dollar ($$$).
Google Base: Google is a top search engine, this is a wrong introduction. I must say now a days Google is the King in online media, and provides lots of free services. Google Base is one of them, which provides to post your product which can be explored by lots of people. It also support Google Checkout for payment transaction. You need a google account, if you will use google checkout then it will cost you 2% of sale + US $ 0.20 per transaction. is a largest community of buyers and sellers, where your potential buyers can search your product easily. All products are well categorized to browse. You can track your orders, payment etc. To start selling your product on ebay is vey simple, register yourself/Company as a seller, add your products in your store pages. another website to sell your products, check this site and explore its features your self.
Will let you know more about other website and services in this blog only.
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