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Google ImageLabler

Google ImageLabler This service is very interesting and first time I was not able to come to know that what could be the importance to real world from its.

I just go through it from Google Images Search, I just entered in Google ImageLabler and found it so interesting. There is a small game for two minutes that you are playing with your virtual friend over the web. There was really great fun but I don’t understand for what this service is mean for Google. There are images and you need to guess proper label for the images except than labels shown on the page with the images.

Actually Google is giving fun to real world and getting its benefit to improve relevant keyword search results which helps it to increase quality with the search query fired for the specific term. Still finally a common visitors gets benefited by this service as it will helps to get relevant search for the specific term which reduces the time to surf over the web through search engines.

Finally this service will give lots of fun and helps Google to not make a research on keyword relevancy for improving its database quality.

You can view this latest and interesting service at:

Google Image Labeler

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