Hello Guys,
Marry Christmas and Have a Happy New Year to all you my dear friends and blog visitors.
Now I'm back from holidays.
I got the set of SEO Tools for webmasters and online users.
This list contains currently five tools.
1. Google SERP (Search Engine Rank Position) Checker - The Best Keyword Ranking Monitoring Tool
2. Google Page Rank Checker - Check Your Google Page Rank/Check Fake Page Rank
3. Google Sitemap Generator (XML Sitemap) - Generate an accurate XML Sitemap For your website
4. Backlinks Checker - Checks Inbound Links of Your Website
5. Website Link Analysis - Checks server response and broken links
But the tool which i most liked is
Google SERP Checker
It's lot better and accurate tool than SEO Rank Checker which has been developed by SEOBook.com
It checks your website ranking in Google.com (US Search)... It does not check website ranking in MSN or Yahoo. I've not found till now the accurate one like this.
One more benefit is that you don't need to install it's as a firefox plug-in in your browser.
Our Google SERP Rank Checker is the Perfect Keyword Ranking Tool you ever seen on web.
It checks rankings for multiple keywords at a single time and gives results if your website listed in 1-100 of Google.
It also shows for which keyword you're which page is being ranked in Search engine resulted pages.
You can use this tool at
I'm damn sure our tool will make webmaster stuff so easy and fast for checking keyword rankings manually in Google especially in Google US Search for which extra plug-ins needed to check rankings from outside usa.
Try our other important SEO tools to check your website status online at
Complied by Chaitanya Patel: an SEO Expert at DirectToIndia Web Designing and Web Development Company. Contact us for Free Website SEO Analysis.
Hello Guys,
Today I am going to post a topic for those who needs seo services, ppc services or other internet marketing services. Who wants to hire a professional internet marketing company based in US only which delivers maximum results and provide 100% efforts to create a successful marketing campaign.
Why to choose Rapidvectorseo.com for your SEO Services needs?
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We will
With Regards,
Marketing Team at Rapidvectorseo.com - SEO Company based in St. Pete. Florida.
Here is the list of 100 Free Press Releases websites.
This could be an good resource to make your website promotion and getting better ROI.
List of Free Press Releases Websites
Hope you will like the list.
Have a great stay at WWW Marketing.
Contact us for Free SEO Consulting
Rapidvectorseo.com is an SEO Services Provider and SEO Company based in Florida.
Hey Guys,
This morning i checked my Google webmaster account as always i do for my websites.
I just go through Back links part and i found i am not able to see external back links to my website, however i can see back links count. This is upto external back links part...
I can't see even internal links to my website. I don't know what Google webmaster account doing out there.
This is new issue generated after its pending sitemap issue. That issue took 3 days of time to resolve for my websites.
Since last one month i found there are several issue in Google webmaster account.
Hopefully it will work fine soon.
Are you experiencing the same problem with Google webmaster account...
Go for it and check now your website status at
SEO Services Company based in Florida US.
Google webmaster sitemap shows submitted sitemap status pending ???
Since last 24 hours Google webmaster tool sitemap behaves strange. I have many sites use webmaster tool and I created sitemaps for my websites. They are always downloaded by Google regularly and indexed pages properly. But recently the sitemap tool is very seems to be very strange. The sitemaps submitted long before change status to PENDING, and submitted URL counts change to ZERO. I had tried submitting them again, I checked again my webmaster account and I found the same problem again.
I searched Google webmaster tool group, it seems some thing wrong with Google sitemap tool. I don’t know what wrong happening out there with my account. I checked my other Google webmaster accounts too but I don’t see this problem in those accounts. I surf today lots of webmaster forums and I found few people suffering from this Google webmaster sitemap tool crisis. For every one this won’t be the same.
Are you facing the same problem with your Google webmaster account? Have you checked your website sitemap status? Do you find it in Pending status? Are there any major changes in your website rankings?
How can Google changes status of submitted sitemap and well ranked websites. Along with these I found lots of strange behaviors in Google Search engine resulted pages (SERP). Still I am happy that there are no major changes with SERP’s of my websites but yeah surely I can say there might be a strange Google dance since last 12 hours.
If you’re facing this Google webmaster sitemap crisis than I suggest you to re-submit sitemap in webmaster account otherwise remove sitemaps and submit it once again in your webmaster account.
Don’t wait any more just check your website sitemap status in your own Google webmaster account. Click below to check your website sitemap status.
Hope every thing will be fine soon…
300 Dofollow Blogs List Dofollow Blogs for Link Building
0 comments Posted by SEO Experts at 12:23 AMHello guys,
300 Dofollow Blogs List Dofollow Blogs for Link Building
I have created tested Dofollow Blogs list after getting lots of success by providing helpful resources such as Dofollow forums and press releases list.
I got hundreds of requests to create Dofollow Blogs list, I was looking after your requests and suggestions, and finally I made it for you.
Have a great time with Dofollow link building.
“These Bogs won’t allow spam, so be a good link developer and post appropriate comments, you won’t get any benefit for your shopping site by commenting in SEO related Dofollow Bogs, this will apply for each and every niche, so not to do spam and be relevant to the content.”
To get comprehensive List of 300 Dofollow Blogs Click Here.
Contact RapidVectorSEO.com
For FREE SEO Consulting Services
SEO Services by RapidVectorSEO.com SEO Optimization by RapidVectorSEO.com
Check Your Website Status with Online Tools
Hello Guys,
Here I have mentioned below some great tools to analyze your website status online after considering many factors. Your website quality is been estimated as per inbound back links, search engine rankings, page rank, Alexa rank, Domain age and many other factors.
To check those out you often need to search in Google or need to remember those tools; so now I prepared the list for all these tools at one place, I hope you will definitely like this list.
Yahoo Site Explorer: http://siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/
To check in bound back links for your website.
Compete: http://www.compete.com
Compete allows you to compare website traffic with two other websites and shows traffic
Trend. It also shows growth velocity of a particular website. Check it out here.
Quantcast: http://www.quantcast.com
Quantcast is also an online web based web analytic tool to measure traffic of websites.
You need to place a script in your website to measure your website traffic.
Alexa: http://www.alexa.com
Alexa ranks website as per the traffic and page views website gets, especially Alexa
Rank generally considered by many advertisers and publishers. IMHO, it does not have
any more logical value than that
Feed Compare: http://www.feedcompare.com
This tools is used to determine website’s popularity is by tracking its RSS feed
subscriber trends.
POPURI: http://www.popuri.us
This tool provides basic information such as PR, back links in Google, Alexa Rank,
Whois details and many more information.
Social Meter: http://www.socialmeter.com
This tool provides information related to website status in major social book marking websites.
TweetVolume: http://www.tweetvolume.com
To find out search volume for the keywords by people on twitter what they talking about much.
Quarkbase: http://www.quarkbase.com
This tool provides website overall summary including contact, about us, alexa, book marking, Blog discussions and many more.
Blogpulse: http://www.blogpulse.com
This tool finds data about a particular blog or blogger, this tool provides blog’s rank, how often it’s cited in other blogs, and other information such as how many posts are published each month and blogs those are similar to it.
Technorati Blogging Central: http://www.technorati.com/blogging
This tool allows you to check the ranks of a specific blog to estimate its popularity among the 130 million+ blogs on the web. It ranks particular blog as per links it contains. The higher the back links for a specific blog the higher the rank for that blog in this tool.
StatBrain: http://www.statbrain.com
This tool provides website Meta Details, links in Google, Yahoo, Altavista and location of server for the website. This tool estimate traffic for your website which is not accurate, they are in process to filter it out.
Cubestat: http://www.cubestat.com
This tool provides you host information and website daily page views views. It estimates price of a website considering daily page views and links. This tool also provides other basic information for website.
DnScoop: http://www.dnscoop.com
DnScoop estimates value of a website considering factors such as back links, website popularity, page rank, traffic, and many more.
Website Out Look: http://www.websiteoutlook.com
This tools estimates website value based upon Alexa rank, website page rank, IBLs, Daily page views and daily ad revenue.
I hope you all enjoyed the list.
RapidVectorSEO.com SEO Firm
SEO Services Provider Company based in US for free SEO Consulting contact us now.
Free Adsense Ready Wordpress Themes and Blogger Themes:
Now I again get back to you with food which you always would like to have from me. This time I collected resource from where you can get free as well as premium wordpress and blogger themes easily, you may have adsense ready wordpress themes in given links below.
I have collected recently great resources for Wordpress and Blogger Themes.
You will find very cool and attractive designs for your wordpress and blogger. Few of them are adesnse integrated themes.
I hope you would enjoy these lists.
If you want to design and develop blog than contact us now.
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Google Labs announced New Technology for YouTube videos. This technology is based upon speech of videos content.
Find more about it at:
"Gaudi" which means Google Audio Indexing.
I come to know about this Gaudi from my friend Ades' Blog at Here.
Read Full Entry At:
Google Audio Indexing Technology for Videos
I hope you will enjoy this post.
RapidVectorSEO.com SEO Firm
Google ImageLabler For Better Keyword Relevancy With Fun
0 comments Posted by SEO Experts at 4:05 AM Google ImageLabler
Google ImageLabler This service is very interesting and first time I was not able to come to know that what could be the importance to real world from its.
I just go through it from Google Images Search, I just entered in Google ImageLabler and found it so interesting. There is a small game for two minutes that you are playing with your virtual friend over the web. There was really great fun but I don’t understand for what this service is mean for Google. There are images and you need to guess proper label for the images except than labels shown on the page with the images.
Actually Google is giving fun to real world and getting its benefit to improve relevant keyword search results which helps it to increase quality with the search query fired for the specific term. Still finally a common visitors gets benefited by this service as it will helps to get relevant search for the specific term which reduces the time to surf over the web through search engines.
Finally this service will give lots of fun and helps Google to not make a research on keyword relevancy for improving its database quality.
You can view this latest and interesting service at:
Google Image Labeler
Free SEO Analysis at RapidvectorSEO.com. Discuss your website search engine optimization and search engine marketing needs with our experts and avail SEO services at affordable rates.
SEO Firm based in Florida also manages pay per click services.
Helpful Server Response Codes for SEO
I was feeling that few webmasters who have just joined web industry they are facing with codes used in web. I have decided to place all these codes together which help newbie as well as experienced webmasters because there are so many codes and to remember each and every code is not easy.
For you my blog lovers here I am with “Helpful Codes for SEO”. I hope this may be helpful to you guys. I have prepared the list of “Server Response Codes (SRC)” with their simple definitions as definitions available on the web are some times make confusing web masters to know importance of each code and usage.
There are five categories and I have categorized each and every code in respective category:
Category 1: Informational 1xx
100 Continue: This Server Response Codes (SRC) indicates that request has been completed and process can move along.
101 Switching Protocols: This SRC is used to indicates request for switching to one protocol to another protocol e.g. (HTTP to FTP) is been accepted.
Category 2: Successful 2xx
200 OK: It indicates the process is normal and the working fine with requests.
201 Created: Confirmation for successfully created new address through CGI (Common Gateway Interface).
202 Accepted: This SRC confirms that request has been accepted, yet response not given.
203 Non-Authoritative Information: The information received in entity header from another server.
204 No Content: The part which has no content any more and request server to get content again and again.
205 Reset Content: This SRC helps server to reset content returned by CGI.
206 Partial Content: Returned few data of content because of unexpected reason.
Category 3: Redirection 3xx
300 Multiple Choices: This SRC allows multiple access of requested address which can be resulted in to an error or you may choice a address you want.
301 Moved Permanently: This SRC confirms that there was a page which you have requested on server but now it’s permanently moved to new address and brings you to the new address.
302 Moved Temporarily: To indicate page has been moved temporarily and new URL is available.
303 See Other: “See Other” SRC. Data available on the server somewhere else, and used get method to retrieve available data.
304 Not Modified: “Not Modified” It indicates how long it’s been since the page updated if asks “if modified since”.
305 Use Proxy: Indicates server to request must be accessed by using proxy.
Category 4: Client Error 4xx
400 Bad Request: It indicates syntax error in request, request can’t be accepted.
401 Unauthorized: The header contains invalid authorization codes not allow to complete request.
402 Payment Required: Seems to be very strange, but it’s out of services.
403 Forbidden: Forbidden your request because server not able to complete your desired request what exactly you want to see.
404 Not Found: The requested page not found on server, the document has been removed or typo error in URL.
405 Method Not Allowed: File access not allowed with your method.
406 Not Acceptable: The page is exists but system can’t understand the format of the page.
407 Proxy Authentication Required: Authorization for request required.
408 Request Timeout: Request time out because of slow server speed the main reason behind it slow internet connection.
409 Conflict: Multiple accesses for the same requests from too many servers.
410 Gone: The page used to exist, unfortunately its not available.
411 Length Required: Missing content length header in request.
412 Preconditions Failed: pre-condition requires for accessing the particular page, if you don’t meet it, you won’t access the page.
413 Request Entity Too Large: The requested page is too large to load.
414 Request-URI Too Long: Requested URL of the web page is too long to access.
415 Unsupported Media Type: Page require certain programs to access the request
Category 1: Server Error 5xx
500 Internal Server Error: Server itself having problem for processing request.
501 Not Implemented: Your Request can not be completed by server.
502 Bad Gateway: Server has received the bugs from the server you are trying to access.
503 Service Unavailable: Requested service temporary not available.
504 Gateway Timeout: Time out occurred at gateway of server.
505 HTTP Version Not Supported: HTTP protocol request not supported.
Enjoy the List you all SEO and Webmasters!!!
Free SEO Consulting available at RapidvectorSEO.com best SEO Services and Pay per click (PPC) Services Provider based in Florida (US).
Today, I was doing search for my keyword rankings in Google. Accidentally I found strange results. I am not sure but can say it’s Google SERP Misbehavior.
I had fired a query “Link Building” in Google US Search. I was finding my listing but unfortunately my listing was dropped down and I can’t see it in any of SERP’s. I went in deep and more deep, I found a result for an Article which has been written and posted by Ann Smarty. She is very good at writing and very good Author too, her quality post deserves in SERP for sure, but for two (2) times? I can’t understand Google behavior on this.
The actual post which has been written is on Old VS New Link Building Strategies. It’s very well written post by Ann. Google is ranking this post for two times, hence it rank this article at last pages of SERP. First you just make search preference 100 from 10 and search with “Link building” term. You will find the first result on 7th page and the position is “676” to see this listing “SEO Smarty 1St Listing” clicks here and you can view the same listing on 8th Page and position for the second listing is “731”. You can view the same listing second times at “SEO Smarty 2nd Listing”.
I feel I should not raise-hell on this especially topic much more, but I had earlier seen this type of Google misbehavior's in top SERP’s too, but that was for a limited time. I reviewed these both listings for last 2 days and now after reviewing it I posted here. Hope Google may notice this issue to improve its quality search. Still I recommended you my Blog lovers to read this wonderful article on Link building which one you are going to choose Conventional (Old) or New Link Building (Web 2.0) strategy.
Now the question is “if Google repeating the same listing for couple of times, than why other listings not?” “Why other quality posts are not getting enough stands in SERP?”
What do you think and feel about it?
Have a Nice Read.
Note: This post is not against the author of this article nor article. This post solely intended to provide information on Google search engine resulted pages qualities and failures.
Free SEO Consulting and Organic SEO Services Provider from SEO Florida.
Did you ever feel that Forum websites rankings decrease Google search results qualities?
I was constantly researching after this issue and finally i made a decision, yes they are influencing Google Rankings.
Google is well known search engines because of its quality of search results. It makes Google a No. 1 search engine on the web. But some how Google fails to show quality results because of forum websites.
I have made deep research on thinking which factors are influencing Google. After I made deep research I found mostly forum websites are influencing Google search results. As forum websites are frequently updated and Google likes new content placed on the web. Especially in SEO and Internet Marketing industry, DigitalPoint, SitePoint, SEOChat, Webmasterworld, HighRankings, etc. When a visitor search for the relevant articles or services in Google few search results will contain these forum sites, as those are having high PR and they daily updated with lots of content.
The thread placed on these forum sites are mostly intended to build links and self promotion. A common visitor does not like it because what he really want to know he can’t because on forum board there are many opinions placed by members and that makes him confused. Visitors finally go for 3 or 4 relevant results for what he is looking for.
Forum influences mostly effects the services provider websites, because of them relevant website results goes down and they need to do lot more struggle to get in top 10. Sometimes forum website takes away business from quality services Provider Company in form of referring their advertisers, and they intended to earn a lot from this affiliate marketing. E.G. if some one make search for SEO than the first result is ok from wikipedia but after those results are scrappy because I found, SEO Book on 8th Pos. and on 12th and 13th pos. Tools. SEOBook results were displayed, in first 2 pages 3 results come from the one site, Google is not giving importance to SEO Services provider. Some times i faced this kind of things with Good blogs and article sites but their content are well mannered and highly qualified so they deserves rankings, but forum discussions are some times worthless, infact in most of the case it becomes scrapy forums to get only and only dofollow link to site.
I hope Google will now take some action and keep away forum listings in the search results. This will make Google a quality search engine. Although, I am big fan of forum sites especially Dofollow forums, as they giving be comprehensive back links with Anchor text. I suggest you to surf each and every forums rather than doing strong promotion in only few forums. List of Dofollow Forums I have already placed here in my Blog.
Get Absolutely Free SEO consulting services from Best SEO Services Provider Company of Florida serving its client all over the world.
Free SEO Analysis Reports by SEO Specialist Team of RapidVectorSEO.com
Yahoo India announced that it has launched yet another social network for the 16-24 age bracket in an attempt to capture the growing market in India. And although scant details are available, it sounds interesting.
Dubbed SpotM, the new social network will bring college-aged and those close to going to college together in one space. There’s no word on how Yahoo will be able to ensure everyone using the service is really as old as they claim, but Yahoo believes it can manage that problem.
SpotM attempts to differentiate itself by offering two features: the idea of a secret friend and SMS integration with anonymous chat. According to Yahoo, SpotM will allow users to make friends with other users and if they choose, make those friends private so other users don’t know about the relationship. SMS integration with anonymous chat will let users correspond via SMS without revealing their phone number.
It’s nice to see Yahoo try something new, but whether or not its privacy initiatives will really work in its favor remains in doubt. As social networks become more popular, it’s transparency that parenting groups are looking for, not privacy. And once those issues arise, every social network buckles under the pressure. Will Yahoo be any different?
Source:- Tech Chrunch
Rapid Vector SEO is the US Based SEO Company Providing Social Media Marketing Service with Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing Services. For more detail please contact RVSEO
PR List ( Press Release) Websites - PR Directories
Press Release (PR) Websites List
I just recently discovered a huge list of 87 Press Release (PR) websites. Get in touch with online audience by publishing company news.
Just get the list here.
87 PR (Press Release) Websites List
For Free SEO Consulting Contact SEO Firm in Florida.
Great SEO Tools
I have created a list of comprehensive and great SEO tools. Some of you already know about it, but not with all these tools.
136 SEO Tools for your website SEO
Here you will get almost each and every tool for you want.
This is very short list but I found very good and it’s really interesting to use tools which has mentioned on this link.
You just go through these both links; you will feel good once you get these tools for your SEO process.
375 Dofollow Social Book Marking Websites List
Social book marking is a good tactics for Ethical SEO and helps a lot to get better Ranks in SERP (Search Engine Resulted Pages). But most of the social books marking websites now a day are nofollow. Another possibility is that we are unknown about Social book marking websites that follows.
What could be the major benefits of Dofollow Social book Marking Websites?
It helps to get better rank for a website as well as it brings a link juice because they are Dofollow, so one can get rank as well as link juice from a single tactics.
Recently I found list of Dofollow social book marking websites which includes more than 375 social book marking sites in it.
Click Here to View The List:
375 Dofollow Social Book Marking Websites
I hope you will like this list.
For effective social book marking submissions contact www.RapidVectorSEO.com. Our highly qualified SEO professionals will work around for your websites to get better rank, visits and PR. Consider to look at our SEO Services which is specially designed for your small business internet marketing.
Organic SEO | Pay per click |
Organic SEO is skilled by optimizing your sites and by increasing your link popularity by gain or paying for links that point to your web site. This is really benefited of search rankings in Search Engines for your targeted keyword phrases. | Pay per click is an online marketing form used on search engines and advertise networks. PPC is good but when you stop or pause your campaign that time don’t show your advertise in any search engines. After all only PPC you can not generate natural traffic. In PPC you must pay any click on your advertise or sponsor link. |
In Organic SEO Top major search engine that effective business coming from organic SEO better than PPC advertises or sponsor link. 72 percent traffic coming from natural search result in Google and rest 28 percent traffic coming from paid listing. | Pay per click is an immediately (within 1-2 days) results show. Generally PPC is very costly per conversion and visit. Difficult compete with high rich keywords. Better for short term and quickly result. PPC is immediately boosted up business lead and visitor and generating quick return of investment. It’s so costly compare to organic SEO. |
Organic SEO like long term investment it takes min 2 weeks to 4 months. Generally organic SEO is cost effective for anybody. Difficult compete with high rich keywords. Better for long term and low cost. It’s cost effective to paid searching. Organic SEO also make a brand for company. The backlinks themselves will provide an important boost in long term traffic. | If you think about long term business in internet market with PPC is very costly compare to organic SEO. Organic SEO can increase your page rank and link popularities. Additional if you organic SEO with PPC is definitely more effective for your business. |
Conclusion: The matter of PPC advertise is good for short term or quick result and drawback are bidding of keyword cost. Organic SEO can takes times for natural traffic and long lasting marketing results.
About RapidVectorSEO
RapidVector SEO is SEO and Internet Marketing Service Providers Company providing their marvelous Services to their clients since 2001. For more detail please visit http://www.rapidvectorseo.com
E-mail marketing, more or less defined as the use of email to send newsletters, product offers in future products and services, as well as other content related to the maximization of service or product current that is enjoyed by the customer, usually an existing client of an organization. As such, it is simply using a new vanguard of correspondence (email) in relation to the more traditional means of marketing and customer value-enhancing to any telephone or direct mail.
Advertiser believes email marketing as something that might seem well as spamming. After all, with whom the business had pre-existing business are still in a productive relationship with the business, or they may be in accordance with the scope of the organization's target audience.
Is Since there is so much trouble coped simply trying to avoid the negative view of email marketing, what benefits should be taken that would justify giving him enough merit to be considered as a viable tool for marketing?
First and most attractive feature of email marketing is it is cheap. The email marketing allows for businesses to run a marketing campaign without the traditional costs of printing and distribution, as well as the marginal cost of monitoring further.
The second and perhaps most noticed by companies that want to use the power of email marketing is consumer behavior. While many argue that people do not spend as much time as it makes sending e-mail, statistics have shown that people across age groups spends a huge majority of his time reading online through the email shipping, handling or emails that have already received.
At the end of the day, the most important advantage that can be enjoyed by a company effective implementation of email marketing is the fact that within its very foundation, the heart of email marketing is trying to foster better relations particularly with existing customers. Email marketing allows companies to provide product and customer service continued. Increasing the value will be taken by citizens, give customers reason to patronize a product, which is exactly what they want companies to achieve long-term.
Why Choose PPC for Better Business ROI?
For better business sales companies are using various marketing strategies. Which would be the best online marketing strategy and tactics for getting better sales? Pay per click (PPC) is an online marketing technique through you can make magic in your brand sales.
For better online marketing of your website and products you need to select a professional internet marketing company. Review their work and go ahead with the campaign. In paid marketing your website would be shown in major search engines along with the organic results which could be achieved through SEO process. To get on top with SEO takes a long time and for that much amount of time your ROI could not be increased.
While in PPC campaign with the particular keyword search which is made by an user in the search engine query box, it will shows your results in paid listings, once a visitor click on your link he would be redirected to the exact landing page which provides detailed sales information and products information on your website and through you may get better sales. While choosing keywords and descriptions for your PPC campaign you should be very careful because in PPC each and every single click which made on your paid listing will cost you.
If your website is in safe hands of a Paid Internet Marketing company than you won’t get any lost. SEM Experts are dedicated for your maximum business sales. It’s always good to choose a Pay Per Click Campaign if you have money to spend.
Why to choose an Internet Marketing campaign which gives you $ 500 from $ 100. It’s always better to choose $ 500 and get $ 10000 sales with PPC campaign.
We are www.RapidVectorSEO.com highly qualifies Internet Marketing company which provides pay per click management and Google adwords management services for better Return on Investment.
List of 125 Do-Follow Forums – 100 % No No-Follow Forums
24 comments Posted by SEO Experts at 1:51 AMThis summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
It is now worthless to say that Internet Marketing is more powerful than traditional marketing. Using Internet as a medium for your marketing, you can expose your product more powerfully. If you have a small business and can't afford a marketing budget for your business, then you are at right information page. If you are reading this then you must aware about the benefits of Internet Marketing, so lets show you how you can start profiting without spending a single dollar ($$$).
Google Base: Google is a top search engine, this is a wrong introduction. I must say now a days Google is the King in online media, and provides lots of free services. Google Base is one of them, which provides to post your product which can be explored by lots of people. It also support Google Checkout for payment transaction. You need a google account, if you will use google checkout then it will cost you 2% of sale + US $ 0.20 per transaction.
Ebay.com: Ebay.com is a largest community of buyers and sellers, where your potential buyers can search your product easily. All products are well categorized to browse. You can track your orders, payment etc. To start selling your product on ebay is vey simple, register yourself/Company as a seller, add your products in your store pages.
Alibaba.com: another website to sell your products, check this site and explore its features your self.
Will let you know more about other website and services in this blog only.
Visit our website for more about of Internet Marketing Services and Packages.